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A guide to equipment that is available for checkout from the Oregon Institute of Technology libraries.

Portland Metro Equipment

This section lists equipment available at the Oregon Tech Library at Portland Metro

We ask that you please have your student ID card to check out the equipment, or you will need a form of ID (driver's license etc.) if you don't have your ID card and wish to provide your 918# instead.

Portland Metro Library

   Portland Metro Campus, 4th Floor





Data Acquisition Devices

Camera, Projector, Mac Mini


Camera Tripod                                          HDMI Cable

We also have digital memory cards and additional lenses (pictures coming soon)

Livescribe smart pen in packaging

Function Generators

Boards and Kits


There is also an analog discovery accessories kit available, which has the following:

  • Oscilloscope Probes
  • BNC Adaptor Board
  • 6 Mini Grabber Test Clips
  • USB Cord
  • Logic Cable Attachment
  • Replacement header pins
  • Noise filter/ferrite choke

Note: We do not have accessory kits for Arduino boards, just the boards themselves and the cables used to connect the boards to a computer.

Laptop and Accessories

Laptops are available as short-term loans for 7 days, or long-term loans for up to a full term, and can be renewed to end of the academic year. Long-term laptops must be returned to the library at the end of each academic year, on June 15th. They can be re-checked out after they are returned. 

Laptops are checked out with a bag and charger - a loaner laptop agreement will be placed in the laptop bag. Students may be responsible for damages up to the replacement cost of the laptop. 

Contact to check laptop availability. Important: You must first log onto the laptop from somewhere on the Portland Metro campus before you take the laptop home, or it will not be able to recognize your home network.

                Dell Laptop charger USB C type 65W

The PM Library has two headphones available for checkout. You must request them separately from laptops.


Active mini display port to 4k-HDMI adapter                    USB Audio Adapter

If you need an adapter, email to request.




Software Defined Radio


IMPORTANT: HackRF Ones do not work with MATLAB/Simulink. Check your course requirements carefully before you check this item out.

Universal Accessory Kit Components