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Modoc War, 1872-1873
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Modoc War, 1872-1873
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Shaw Library Journal
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Modoc Vengeance
Daniel Woodhead (Editor)
ISBN: 9780990499305
Publication Date: 2014-08-15
Hell with the Fire Out
Arthur Quinn
ISBN: 9780571199037
Publication Date: 1997-02-01
Indian Wars of the Pacific Northwest
Ray Glassley
ISBN: 9780832300141
Publication Date: 1972-01-01
The Laws of War
Mark Highberger
ISBN: 9781930111158
Publication Date: 2001-10-01
The Soldiers' Side of the Modoc War
Mark Highberger (Editor)
ISBN: 9781930111387
Publication Date: 2003-11-01
Guardhouse, Gallows, and Graves
Francis S. Van Landrum; Pat McMillan (Foreword by)
ISBN: 9780961971908
Publication Date: 1988-10-01
Copper Paladin
Walter H. Palmberg
ISBN: 9780805928235
Publication Date: 1982-10-01
Comprehensive bibliography for the Modoc War
Together with his Lecture, The Tragedy of the Lava Beds.
Wigwam and War-path or the Royal Chief in Chains
Wi-ne-ma (the Woman-chief) and her People
The Modocs and Their War.
Modoc War: A Brief and Authentic History
The papers of the Order of Indian Wars
Captain Jack, Modoc Renegade
Captain Jack or, the Heroes of the Modoc War
Indian History of the Modoc War: and the Causes that Led to It
Modoc Indian War
The Modoc War, 1872-73, Lava Beds National Monument
Modoc War: Message from the President of the United States, Transmitting Copies of the Correspondence and Papers Relative to the War with the Modoc Indians in Southern Oregon and Northern California, During the Years 1872 and 1873.
Modoc War Claims
Report of Governor Grover to General Schofield on the Modoc War, and Reports of Maj. Gen. John F. Miller and General John E. Ross, to the Governor. Also Letter of the Governor to the Secretary of the Interior on the Wallowa Valley Indian Question
The Causes and Significance of the Modoc War
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