The library subscribes to a number of journals in print and online. You can use our Journal Title Search tool to get a general idea of what we have by browsing the Subjects or searching for a particular journal title:
The library has many databases -- both general-purpose and subject-specific. To find databases, visit our Electronic Resources page, then use the Subject dropdown to see what's available in your discipline:
It has billions of article records, and will point you to one of our databases if we have full text. If we don't have full text, you can request the article through Interlibrary Loan.
Google Scholar has a large number of records, but you need to set Oregon Tech as your library to maximize the amount of full text options you get.
Go to Google Scholar Settings Library Links Search for Oregon Tech. This puts a Find it @ Oregon Tech link next to articles that Google knows we have.
You can request the article directly through our interlibrary loan form.
If you are looking for a specific resource and are unable to find it, contact your librarian for assistance.