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RCP 441-442 Preparation for Senior Project and Ethics

Tips for Picking a Research Focus

A good paper or project often comes from a topic that interests you. Try these suggestions:  

  • Think about topics that are discussed in your major. 
  • Look through the readings for this class or another one. Which do you find interesting?
  • Think about things you've seen on social media, the news or elsewhere. Can you turn that into a research topic?
  • Scan respiratory care news sources for ideas. (Google News or your favorite respiratory care news sites)
  • Ask yourself: What problem am I trying to solve?
  • Scan the electronic resources from the library A-Z list: PubMed, Medline, CINAHL and Cochrane Library.  
  • Talk to your professor, classmates, or a librarian.

Mind Mapping

Mind mapping is a technique to explore different angles on your topic. You can make your own mind map on paper or use a tool to create one.

Below is an example of what a mind-map might look like in Credo Reference. Scrolling down you will see instructions to use this mindmap and links to sites in which you ay either create your own or create within a tool. 

I searched first for "Lung volumes" and then chose the text "Human Lung" above. If you click on View in Credo above, you can interact with this map and choose other topics in the map such as Human Lung. Credo Reference is located in the A-Z list. Just place a topic into the Credo Reference search box and results will appear including a mind map.

If you want to use an online tool to help with mind mapping, here are some options. Many others are available if you search on the web: