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Copyright, Fair Use & Creative Commons


  • Be an accredited  nonprofit educational institution
  • Have a policy on the use of copyrighted materials
  • Provide accurate information to faculty, students, and staff about copyright and promote compliance with copyright laws
  • Use only lawfully made and acquired copies
  • Use only material that is a nondramatic literary work, OR
  • Use only reasonable and limited portions of dramatic literary, musical, or audiovisual works -- in an amount comparable with a typical live classroom session
  • Provide these materials at the your direction or supervision
  • Use the material as a regular part of systematic, mediated, instuctional activities
  • Make certain that the materials are directly related and of material assistance to teaching the class
  • Confirm that only students in the class can access the material and that the class is a part of regular institutional offerings
  • Provide a notice that the materials are protected by copyright 
  • Ensure that the materials will be available to the students only for a period of time that is relevant to the context of the class session
  • Ascertain that the materials are not among those the law specifically excludes form coverage
    • e.g. Materials specifically marketed for classroom use for digital distance education, illegal copies, textbooks, etc.
  • Apply technological measures that reasonably prevent retention of the work for longer than the class session
  • Apply technological measures that reasonably prevent unauthorized further dissemination of the work by recipients
  • Do not engage in conduct that would interfere with measures taken by copyright owners to prevent retention or unauthorized further dissemination (DMCA)