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Article Galaxy Scholar

A guide with step-by-step instructions for using the Article Galaxy Scholar service.

Using Article Galaxy

Article Galaxy Scholar is an article delivery service that fills time-sensitive needs when the library doesn’t have full text access.

a graphic with three elements explaining the article galaxy workflow: search for an article in the library catalog, request it, and the library pays the bill.

Step-by-step Instructions to Use Article Galaxy Scholar

1. Copy the title of the article you're interested in, and paste it into the "Find Books, Articles and More" search bar on the OIT library homepage or into the search bar in Primo (library catalog search).

2. Click on the article title where it appears in the search results. 

3. On the article result page, scroll down to the "How to get it" section, and click "Get It Now with Article Galaxy." 

 The Article Galaxy link is shown in the "How to get it" section of the page

4. Review the Article Galaxy Scholar terms and confirm that you've tried to retrieve the article for free and are not submitting a duplicate order. If you are in an OHSU joint program, remember to check the OHSU library to see if they provide subscription access to the article. If you still want to proceed, enter your email address at the bottom of the page and click "Submit."

Terms and conditions of article galaxy, and a box where users can type their email address at the bottom of the page.

5. Click "Request PDF" to submit the request. The article will be delivered to your email within the next hour or two. If you don't receive a PDF via email within 24 hours, please contact the library for assistance. Do not submit a duplicate order for the same item.

The approval page with "Request PDF" button

Note: Some articles are not available through Article Galaxy Scholar. If this is the case for your article, you will be re-directed to the library's Interlibrary Loan (ILL) service, where you can place a request for the OIT library to obtain the article via the ILL process (which can take several days).

A page explaining that the article is not available through AGS, with a button that links to the ILL service.


Things to Remember

  • Always check Google Scholar first to ensure there is not a free copy of the article available online. Look for a link to the right of the search results that says [PDF]. 
  • If you are part of an OHSU joint program or have access to another school's library, please first check those places to make sure they do not provide subscription access to the article. 
  • Once you receive the email from Article Galaxy containing the link to your PDF, download it onto your computer. The email link can only be clicked twice before it will stop working. 
  • Faculty can use Article Galaxy 10 times per term. Students and staff can use it 5 times per term. Please do not submit duplicate requests for the same article. If you have a need for additional PDFs, please contact the library at and we will work with you on your needs.
  • Please note that this is a pilot program. Depending on funds available, we may be able to increase usage allowances, or we may need to restrict usage if the demand for articles is higher than expected.